Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Alcohol Abuse and Native Americans - 1754 Words

The impact of various kinds of substances to cultural groups has historically been precipitated by the significance of particular substances on different cultural groups (Moore, 2010).This is mainly because the long term usage of these substances leads to the integration of the consumption of the substance into the cultural patterns of the given group. One such group that has been affected by the extensive usage of a particular substance is the Native American community. According to the Associated Press (2014, August 28), as noted on the MSNBC website, out of ten deaths among the Native American population, one is Alcohol related. Additionally, the prevalence of Alcohol consumption among the Native American population relates to†¦show more content†¦However, in order to understand the culture of the Native Americans, it is important to study each group distinctly from the other. While the history of the Native Americans is beyond the scope of this paper, it suffices to not e that the enduring cultural practices of the Native Americans have had an impact on the abuse of substances such as Alcohol (Moore Gay, 2010). The prevalence of alcohol among this cultural group has been influenced in two ways: by a misperception, social rules, norms and customs, and traditions that have normalized drinking among certain tribes. The contextual cultural experiences of most Native Americans has led to the normalization of drinking especially among age groups and related events such as among peers and when preaching. Nevertheless, the stereotype of the â€Å"drunken Indian† has also had an impact on the consumption levels in this cultural group (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2011). A study of the Navajo Indians led to the conclusion that stereotype can lead members of the group to consider excessive drinking as a normal part of the cultural practices of a particular cultural group. Indeed, the Native American population has been influenced by such stereotypes which traverse the history of the Indians, for example, in as far as consumption of alcohol is concerned (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2011). According to statistics held by the U.S. National Library ofShow MoreRelatedAlcohol Abuse Within Native American Societies Essay1303 Words   |  6 PagesSubstance abuse is a topic most prefer not to discuss; it destroys lives, relationships and families all over the world. Native Americans seem to have suffered immensely by it. Since the coming of the Englishmen and the introduction of new knowledge and tools Native people have been trying to hold on to their own culture and their own way of life. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How One Fulfills A Dream - 1570 Words

How one fulfills a dream is a contested and unsettled concept. Is it based on luck, skill, chance, or something else entirely? Attributing a dream’s success to outside forces, such as luck and chance, creates unambitious tendencies. On the other hand, when a person has an internal locus of control, a belief that he or she can influence their success themselves, they take their life into their own hands and control their own destiny. In multiple studies, it has been shown that those with an internal locus of control, as opposed to an external one, have lived to be more intelligent, independent, and successful later in life. But even with these known statistics, many people continually choose to leave their dreams to chance. While this is†¦show more content†¦And so, by capitalizing â€Å"Watcher† and â€Å"Time†, Hurston argues that many people look to a higher power when attempting to accomplish a dream. In the beginning of the book, Hurston refrains fro m mentioning any characters, plot, or even a clue at the setting. Instead, she chooses to enlighten the reader on her view of dreams, an abstract concept that has no tangible outcome. In the opening paragraph, she compares a dream to a ship on a horizon, and states, â€Å"Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time† (1). Capitalizing â€Å"Watcher† and â€Å"Time† gives the two words emphasis and importance, just as one would capitalize a name and even God. Thus, Hurston creates this parallel to magnify both the â€Å"Watcher† and â€Å"Time† to show their over-arching power on a man’s dream. Yet, Hurston says that â€Å"the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation† while the dreams are â€Å"mocked to death† by time. Even though â€Å"resigning† and â€Å"mocking† are disheartening reactions from someone, they still do not inhibit one from continuing to chase their dreams. And so, Hurston claims that although people look to higher powers to seek their approval, one could still carry on towards reaching their dream. In addition, Hurston repeats the word â€Å"some† twice, referring to the twoShow MoreRelatedOrganizing and Drafting Your Definition Essay1037 Words   |  5 Pagesprovide details. FIRST PARAGRAPH: INTRODUCTION Introduce the concept of the American Dream. Explain why it’s important to define the concept and why it is difficult in some cases to define the concept. success isnt something you chase. Its something you have to put forth the effort for constantly. Then maybe itll come when you least expect.- Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan gave a speech about the American Dream in his definition. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Top Trucking Company Case Study Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Find out the Employment Relation at Top Trucking Company that is mentioned in Constructive Relations at Top Trucking Company Case Study. Asnwer: Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is an important activity for managing the employee relationship and maintaining employment relation (Godard, 2014). The purpose of this study is to find out the employment relation at Top Trucking Company that is mentioned in Constructive Relations at Top Trucking Company case study. Effective HRM highly cares about the value of the employees, which can definitely lead to good employment relation. This report will explain the new workplace practice, which has been introduced by new yard manager. The report will discuss the risks, which the organization can face to sustain the change of the organization, when George and new yard will manager move on. Apart from that, the public or service sector unions will be compared with the tough blue collar unions for their engagement in the change of organization. New Workplace Practice Workplace practice examines the nature, types and structure of the work environment in an organization. Moreover, it is the building block of good work environment within an organization. According to Nettleton et al., (2016), good workplace practice encourages the employees towards enhancing their productivity with good support of the leaders. McGrath-Champ et al., (2015) opined that effective workplace practice fosters employee commitment towards achieving the common goals of the organization. The former yard manager was quite autocratic in his leadership. He was also not much supportive to the workers. Hence, the workplace practice was quite discouraging for the workers. However, the new yard manager of the organization is highly communicative and democratic in his leadership. He has initiated new workplace practice for the workers within the organization. The nature of new workplace practice of Top Trucking Company is explained below: Openly Communicative Workplace The new yard manager of the organization always communicates openly with the workers and union of the workers. For the benefits of the organization, the manager is always flexible towards sharing the most information with the workers and unions. Moreover, the manager has brought a harmonization among the employees towards leading them in achieving organizational goals. On the other hand, due to open nature of the workplace practice, the workers are more capable of raising their issues and get solution to the problems immediately. Autonomy to Workers As per Marginson, (2015), successful businesses always dedicate the workers some level of authority to control their own jobs. Neuhaus et al., (2014) stated that effective workplace practice ensures sufficient autonomy for the worker to deal with their jobs. In Top Trucking Company, the new yard manager never treats workers like children. Moreover, he provides enough freedom or autonomy to the workers for making them more responsible towards performing their jobs. Apart from that, the new yard manager demonstrates high level of concern for developing the skills of workers. Moreover, he always provides regular training and development programs for developing workers skills so that they can deal with their jobs by their own. Safe Workplace The new manager is always focused on the occupational health and safety issues with the workers. As a part of this initiative, the manager has introduced effective training and development programs for the drivers, which are related to technical as well as customer service skills. In this way, the drivers are safer now in their driving by avoiding any physical harm. Moreover, enhanced technical skills can also assist the workers towards complementing each other in their workplace. Furthermore, the new uniform and rejuvenating trucks of the organization have also brought a feeling of pride among the workers. Continuous Learning Environment and Shared value According to Mencl and Lester (2014), shared workplace environment can foster more creativity and innovation within the workplace. On the other hand, Ogbonnaya and Valizade, (2015) opined that shared workplace environment foster workplace collaboration towards better achievement of organizational goals. The new yard manager never hides the successes as well as the pressures of the workers. Moreover, he never unnecessarily blames others without checking the things out and exploring the hindrance preventing the organizational success. Apart from that, the yard manager always used to go out of his way for consulting with the work union with the same effort towards enhancing the organizational productivity. Risk for Sustaining Change Gap between Strategy and Execution According to Zhao et al., (2014), lack of poor leadership can result in huge gap among the strategy formation, process of work, communication between the departments and process execution. On the other hand, Bromiley et al., (2015) opined that poor leadership also results in cognitive gaps between the strategy making and strategy execution. In case, if the new manager of Top Trucking Company moves on, then the workers can face absence of control in performing complex jobs. Moreover, the employees can also face lack of proper direction in performing their jobs as per the changing workplace culture. Moreover, the workers can face confusion regarding the uncertain things in the changing workplace without proper leadership. It can ultimately create gaps in strategy execution. Possibility of Workplace Conflict According to van den Heuvel et al., (2014), trade union plays noteworthy role in managing the harmonization between the workers and managers. Trade union always assists in maintaining positive work environment through proper collective bargaining between the management and group of workers. On the other hand, Schaffer et al., (2013) opined that trade union also communicate the interests of the work groups to the management for their fulfillment. In such extent, if George-union delegate moves on, the workers of this organization can face huge challenges towards communicating with the management and resolving their issues. On the other hand, the worker group can also lose the legal support from the trade union in fulfilling their interest. In this way, this situation can ultimately lead to workplace situation. High Chance of Job Burnout and Turnover According to Allen et al., (2013), proper managerial support is highly required towards maintaining the success of organizational change. In this situation, if the new manager of this organization is replaced, then it can create poor management in the organization. Lack of support from proper manager can create job stress for the employees in the changing environment. In this way, if the new manager moves on, then it can create job burnout for the workers, which can ultimately hamper the organizational change. On the other hand, Meyer et al., (2016) opined that increasing complexity level of the jobs in organizational changes can also decrease the employee morale. Likewise, the workers of this organization can also feel de-motivated with complexity level of the jobs in the organizational change, if the manager moves on. Hence, this situation can also lead to high turnover in the organization. Lack of Work Efficiency According to Smits and Bowden, (2015), effective leadership always focuses on employee development towards increasing their work efficiency and maintaining the success of changes brought in the organization. In this situation, if the new manager is replaced, it can create lack of skill developmental programs for the workers. In this way, this situation can ultimately reduce the work efficiency level of the employees towards maintaining change in the organization. Blue Collar Unions VS Service or Public Sector Union Organizational change is always related to technological advancement, organizational structure and business process (Allen et al., 2013). These factors are less likely to impact on blue collar workers and more likely to impact on service or public sector employers. Hence, the service or public sector unions are more willing to show resistance for the change in organization than tough blue collar unions. While seeing the organizational change at Top Trucking Company, the changes have been incorporated as new rejuvenated fleets, new uniforms and cleaned up yards for the drivers. Apart from that, the organization has also appointed new encouraging yard manager for bringing some fresh air in the workplace. The cleanup yard leads to highly hygienic workplace for the workers towards their increasing productivity. On the other hand, the modern facilities incorporated in the rejuvenated fleets have actually increased the flexibility of the drivers towards operating the fleets. Hence, all the organizational changes seem to be helpful for the blue collar employees of this organization. Therefore, tough blue collar unions are less likely to raise resistance for the organizational change. However, the organization has also incorporated new computerized system in the business process. Hence, while collar employees can be highly influenced through this change, which may require to develop new skills for the employees. Therefore, white collar employees are more likely to resist changes than blue collar workers. Public or service sector unions most often deal with the employees, who are frequently promoted or demoted from their current position due to any organizational change. Hence, public or service sector employees are more influenced by the organizational change in regards to organizational power distribution (Bromiley et al., 2015). Therefore, public or service sector unions are high resistant towards accepting the organization changes, when there is chance of demotion for the employees. On the other hand, tough blue collar unions mostly deal with the workers, who do not usually have more chance of promotion. Therefore, the organizational change cannot much influence the public or service sector workers, which it deals with power distribution in the organization. Hence, tough blue collar workers are less likely to show resistance towards accepting the organizational change. Apart from that, organizational change can have direct impact on the white collar employees. Therefore, they are more scared about accepting the organizational change. It creates more resistance from the part of public or service unions towards accepting the organizational change. On the other hand, blue collar workers are only indirectly influenced from any change in organization. Therefore, blue collar employees are more willing towards engaging in organizational change, if it seems to be beneficial to them. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be found that the new yard manager of Top Trucking Company is highly open towards communicating with the workers and union. He has initiated shared work environment in the workplace, where workers are given more value as per their contribution. On the other hand, the manager always shares vital organizational information with the workers and union towards achieving organizational success. However, there can be a huge gap between the strategy formulation and strategy execution in managing the change organization, if George or yard manager are changed. Furthermore, the tough blue collar unions are more tended towards engaging in the change of organization than the service or public sector unions References Allen, D.K., Brown, A., Karanasios, S. Norman, A., (2013). How should technology-mediated organizational change be explained? A comparison of the contributions of critical realism and activity theory.Mis Quarterly,37(3), pp.835-854. Bromiley, P., McShane, M., Nair, A. Rustambekov, E., (2015). Enterprise risk management: Review, critique, and research directions.Long range planning,48(4), pp.265-276. Godard, J. (2014). The psychologisation of employment relations?.Human Resource Management Journal,24(1), 1-18. Marginson, P. (2015). The changing nature of collective employment relations.Employee Relations,37(6), 645-657. McGrath-Champ, S., Rainnie, A., Pickren, G., Herod, A. (2015). Global destruction networks, the labour process and employment relations.Journal of Industrial Relations,57(4), 624-640. Mencl, J., Lester, S. W. (2014). More alike than different: What generations value and how the values affect employee workplace perceptions.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,21(3), 257-272. Meyer, M. A., Cross, J. E., Byrne, Z. S. (2016). Frame Decoupling for Organizational Change: Building Support Across Divergent Stakeholders.Organization Environment,29(2), 231-251. Nettleton, S., Sebbens, T., Fairhall, H., Firth, T. (2016). Stay agile: Managing employment relations in the new economy.Governance Directions,68(8), 475. Neuhaus, M., Healy, G. N., Dunstan, D. W., Owen, N., Eakin, E. G. (2014). Workplace sitting and height-adjustable workstations: a randomized controlled trial.American journal of preventive medicine,46(1), 30-40. Ogbonnaya, C. N., Valizade, D. (2015). Participatory workplace activities, employee-level outcomes and the mediating role of work intensification.Management Research Review,38(5), 540-558. Schaffer, M. A., Sandau, K. E., Diedrick, L. (2013). Evidence?based practice models for organizational change: overview and practical applications.Journal of advanced nursing,69(5), 1197-1209. Smits, S. J., Bowden, D. E. (2015). A perspective on leading and managing organizational change 1.Economics and Business Review,1(2), 3. van den Heuvel, M., Demerouti, E. Bakker, A.B., (2014). How psychological resources facilitate adaptation to organizational change.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,23(6), pp.847-858. Zhao, X., Hwang, B.G. Pheng Low, S., (2014). Enterprise risk management implementation in construction firms: An organizational change perspective.Management Decision,52(5), pp.814-833.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Leslie Hornby Essays - Twiggy, Model, Waif, Kate Moss, Vogue, W

Leslie Hornby At 17 Leslie Hornby took hold of the world. At 21 she let it go, she was the original waif, a 60's phenomenon a superstar. She was "Twiggy" (Vogue). Leslie Hornby was the revolutionary woman who changed the idea of beauty in the eyes of the fashion industry and the entire world. Twiggy exemplified the androgynous mod look that swept America as it had Britain and much of Europe in the 1960's. She healthily maintained a 5 ft 6 1/2 inch 90 lb body. Based on her thin figure, a nickname of "Twiggy" was derived. Twiggy's popularity not only produced many people who tried to look like her but also drastically increased the hourly wages of models. She paved the way for current top models like Kate Moss, Elle MacPherson, and Linda Evangelista. Twiggy was major trendsetter in America during the sixties even though she was born in England. She was found by Nigel Davies in a salon, while working as a shampoo girl. He saw her potential and immediately took her to get a haircut at a Mr. Leonard's trendy salon in London. Mr. Leonard put her picture in his shop window, and a short time later that picture was featured in the London Daily Express with a caption that read "This is the face of 1966" (Wilson). Davies, who preferred to be called Justin De Villeneuve, was quite an interesting character with his past resume containing ex-model, ex-antique dealer, and ex-hairdresser. After he discovered her, he (age 25) became Twiggy's (age 15) agent and boyfriend. He took her to Paris and a short while after her popularity grew, she was put on the cover of Elle Magazine, as well as Paris Match and the British edition of Vogue. During Twiggy's peak success in Europe, De Villeneuve set up Twiggy Enterprises Ltd. where he gathered a line of clothes, false eyelashes, cosmetics, dolls, and posters all endorsed by Twiggy. The business brought in millions. Since Twiggy was so young, Justin ran the entire business. She only had to agree to what she liked and put her name on it. The thought of a Model taking advantage of her success to start an enterprise was completely revolutionary. Once again Twiggy paved the way for models like Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss, and Naomi Campbell all of which opened highly successful restaurants, and made exercise tapes, clothes, calendars, posters, and many other products. The enterprising aspect of being a top model was started by Twiggy and that influence is commonly seen in the business world today. Twiggy's next step in her career was to travel to the United States. Twiggy's success soared when she made her first visit to America. On March 20,1967 the second she stepped off the plane she was swarmed by fans, and was candy to the media's eyes. She was like a fever that spread. Everyone wanted a piece of her. Her pictures were everywhere. Twiggy's popularity allowed her to charge revolutionary high prices an hour. She charged as much as $240 an hour opposed to a 50's top model like Suzy Parker who only received about $40 an hour (Century of Models). Once again Twiggy set the standard for 90's top models to earn outrageous sums of money. For example, the 90's Twiggy (Kate Moss) earns about 26.3 million dollars a year. One reason for Twiggy's great success was that the public had never seen anyone like her. She had a completely new look that took the entire world by surprise. During the 40's, long limbed, and sophisticated was the trend. In the 50's, a more curvaceous womanly look (Marilyn Monroe) was in. Twiggy set the 60's waiflike standard. What a leap from Marilyn to Twiggy. They were almost completely opposite. Twiggy's influence is still seen on today's runways and television. The current day Twiggy is Kate Moss. Her figure is strikingly similar (Twiggy 31-22-32, Moss 33-22-35) (Century of Models). Remarkably, Twiggy's favorite thing to eat was ice cream, bananas and hot fudge, she doesn't drink or smoke but "eats like a horse" (Time). Twiggy is one of those girls who has an extremely high metabolism and is healthy but just cannot gain weight. As a child, her mother was very worried about Leslie's thinness and took her to see many doctors. The doctors concluded that the thinness was just a result of her body type and couldn't be helped. When asked what she thought of her figure as "the thing of the future" she replied "it's not really what you

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Civil Rights in the Sixties Essays

Civil Rights in the Sixties Essays Civil Rights in the Sixties Essay Civil Rights in the Sixties Essay or using an aggressive and sometimes violent method of protest like Malcolm X, they were all seeking the same thing, equal rights for minorities. I feel like these two individuals are an inspiration to Americans everywhere and there will always be a need for revolutionarily pioneers in our American society. References The Museum of Broadcast Communication. The Civil Rights Movement and Television. Retrieved from: museum. tv/eotvsection. php? entrycode=civilrights. Retrieved on July 19, 2010. Pg. 1. 676 North LaSalle St. , Suite 424, Chicago, IL 60654. Lucidcafe: Library. Martin Luther King, Jr. Robin Chew 1995-2010. Retrieved from: lucidcafe. com/library/96jan/king. html on July 19, 2010. Biography of Malcolm X. 2001 Estate of Malcolm X. Retrieved from: africawithin. com/malcolmx/malcolm_bio. htm. Retrieved on July 19, 2010.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Understanding Passive Vocabulary

Understanding Passive Vocabulary A passive vocabulary is made up of the words that an individual recognizes but rarely uses when speaking and writing. Also known as recognition vocabulary. Contrast with  active vocabulary.   According to John Reynolds and Patricia Acres, Your passive vocabulary is  likely to contain more words than the active one. One way to improve the range of the vocabulary in your own writing is to try to transfer words from your passive to the active vocabulary (Cambridge Checkpoint English Revision Guide, 2013). Examples and Observations A passive vocabulary . . . includes the words stored in verbal memory that people partially understand, but not well enough for active use. These are words that people meet less often and they may be low frequency words in the language as a whole. In other words, activating them takes longer and it demands greater stimulus than most textual contexts provide. Words stop being passive if people are regularly contracting relations that activate them, since this lowers the amount of stimulus needed to put them to use. A facility in using the words develops. Again constraints of another kind in the extralinguistic context may also restrict the active use of some words. This can happen even when words are available for active use in principle, such as cultural taboo words that most people know but rarely use outside certain settings.(David Corson, Using English Words. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995)Media saturation may . . . provide what Dennis Baron called a passive lingua franca. We al l understand what we hear on the radio or see on TV, giving us a passive vocabulary, but that doesnt mean that we use that vocabulary actively in writing or speaking.(Robert MacNeil et al., Do You Speak American? Random House, 2005) How to Estimate the Size of Your VocabularyTake your dictionary and peruse 1 per cent of its pages, i.e. 20 pages of a 2,000-page dictionary, or every hundreth page (you need to take a range of letters of the alphabet). Note down how many words: (a) you are confident that you would regularly use; (b) you would recognize and understand if you read or heard them. Be brutally honest with yourself! Then multiply your totals by 100, to give a first approximation of your likely active and passive vocabularies.(Howard Jackson, Grammar and Vocabulary: A Resource Book for Students. Routledge, 2002)A Passive-Active Continuum[A]  commonly drawn  distinction is between active vocabulary, that which can be produced at will, and passive vocabulary, that which can be recognized.  However, as discussed in Teichroew  (1982), the picture is really more complicated. Lexical knowledge cannot be captured by means of a simple dichotomy. Teichroew proposed that vocabulary knowledge can best be repr esented as a continuum with the initial stage being recognition and the final being production. In her view, production should not be viewed in a monolithic fashion, for productive knowledge includes producing both a range of meanings as well as appropriate collocations (i.e., what words go together). For example, in our discussion of the word break  with regard to the work of Kellerman . . ., we noted the many meanings of that word. Initially, learners may know the meaning of break as in break a leg or break a pencil, and only with time do they learn the full range of meanings and such collocations as His voice broke at age 13.(Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker,  Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course, 2nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individualized Education Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Individualized Education Program - Essay Example The law requires that if any member of the ARD does not attend a meeting he must put it into writing. There must be an agreement between the parent and the school agreeing that that member should not attend the meeting. These may be done if the expertise of that member is not needed (Bateman, Barbara D, and Mary A. Linden 1998). Another requirement is when a member of the ARD committee does not attend the meeting and his expertise is needed in the meeting he must write a letter to the school and the parent in order for them to review it before the meeting day. The school and the parents are also required to write a letter indicating the same. The contract should be renewed with conditions because it will enable the dormant member to improve on high work and also to ensure that we don’t lose a member because we had little faith for them and yet if given another opportunity they would have done better.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Apostle Paul and his Pastoral Epistles Essay - 1

The Apostle Paul and his Pastoral Epistles - Essay Example Though Titus is not mentioned in the book of acts, he and Timothy were Paul’s Spiritual children who he was mentoring for Pastoral ministry, with Titus being mentioned in the book of Galatians 2:1 for the first time (Christ Lutheran Church of the Deaf). Paul wrote the three epistles, known as pastoral letters to provide instructions to his two sons pertaining to their pastoral duties and to warn them about false teachings and occult practices which could easily have affected the churches they were pastoring. Both Timothy and Titus were young and Paul as their mentor also wished to encourage them, like he tells Timothy not to let anyone despise him because of his youth but to be an example 1 Tim 4:12. Paul was imprisoned twice in his life in Rome, in 60-63A.D and in 67-68A.D (NewApologia). He wrote 1Timothy during his first imprisonment, wrote Titus upon his release and 2 Timothy during his second imprisonment, after which he was killed by beheading. The letters contained instructions for ministry to Timothy and Titus, and thus he was able to continue with his work even while in prison. Timothy had been a companion of Paul in his missionary journeys and now was serving God in Ephesus. The different vocabulary and writing style from other Pauline letters should be understood from the view point that their theme is common, as they are aimed mostly to address the issue of Pastoral care and that is why between them they are very similar. Linguistic evidence to prove that they were not written by Paul could be countered by the fact that there is much that is not known pertaining to the conditions of production of the three epistles and also the other Pauline letters (Smith). There is also general concurrence that the Pastoral letters do not provide an adequate sample by which to make comparisons with the other Pauline letters. The differences are not also as great

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Safeguarding Policy for Childminders Essay Example for Free

Safeguarding Policy for Childminders Essay Safeguarding refers to keeping children safe – protecting them from harm/abuse, unsafe circumstances and impaired health/development, ensuring that they have the best possible opportunities in their lives. As a childminder it is my responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of all children in my care. In doing so, I must:- †¢ Keep a confidential written record of any warning behavioural indicators/changes, signs/symptoms giving cause for concern. I will use body maps to indicate locations of bruising or other injuries to children who arrive at my setting with existing injuries. †¢ Not question children, allowing them to tell me things in their own time and their own way, using their own words. †¢ Ensure confidentiality – not discussing with any other party, particularly the parents of a child I suspect may need safeguarding if that may put the child at risk. †¢ Contact the local safeguarding or Social Services if I have concerns regarding the safety/welfare of a child in my care. †¢ Seek support for myself if I find a safeguarding situation distressing, whilst maintaining confidentiality. Mobile phones and cameras:- Any photographs I take in the course of my childminding work (to be used for the purposes of observing the children and keeping records of their development/progress) will be saved securely (with passwords) on my computer and be unavailable to others to view. Once printed these photographs will be deleted from my phone/camera/computer immediately. Others living in or visiting my home will be informed that, in accordance with this policy, they should not take photographs/videos in my home whilst I have children in my care. Regulatory requirements for safeguarding children in home-based childcare:- To comply with safeguarding regulations, as a registered Childminder I have completed the following:- †¢ Child Protection training. †¢ This Safeguarding Policy which is to be reviewed regularly and shared with parents of all children in my care. †¢ Enhanced CRB Disclosure for all adults (over 16 years) living at the registered property. Signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that cause concern in the context of safeguarding:- Physical abuse – bruises in unusual places, of different ages in the same place, of the same shape in different places; outline bruises (hand/belt/shoe prints); bruising of non-mobile babies; fractures; injuries which have not received medical attention; burns; bites; inconsistent accounts of injuries; reluctance to change clothes or uncover parts of body (eg rolling up sleeves). Neglect – dirty skin/hair; untreated headlice; dirty, soiled, ill-fitting clothing or that which is inappropriate for the weather; left alone/unsupervised frequently; lack of medical care/treatment; frequent hunger; frequent tiredness; stealing food; withdrawn behaviour. Sexual abuse – allegations made by child; inappropriate knowledge/play/actions displayed (incl provocative behaviour); speaking/drawing/playing displaying sexual activity; recurrent urine infections; unexplained recurrent stomach pain; severe sleep disturbance with fears, nightmares; eating disorders. Emotional abuse – low self-esteem (incl commenting negatively about self); self-harm; attention seeking/obsessive behaviour; inability to mix with other children; sleep/speech disorders; aggression/depression/extreme anxiety; changes in mood/behaviour (esp becoming withdrawn/unwilling to be away from carer); extreme shyness; nervous behaviour. In the event that I believe (with good reason) that any child(ren) in my care is(are) subject to abuse it is my duty to report this to the Duty Social Worker in my local authority area’s Local Safeguarding Children Board. Under such circumstances it will be necessary for me to share confidential information regarding the child(ren) concerned with OFSTED, Social Services and the Police if requested, superseding any confidentiality agreements held between myself and the child(ren)’s parents. Protecting my own position – I will keep clear records of any injuries sustained by children in my care, as well as any pre-existing injuries they have sustained outside of my care. Unless exceptional circumstances indicate that this would put the child at risk of harm, a child’s main carer will usually be asked to sign my notes as an official record of the injury. This does not indicate any negativity towards or suspicion of the child’s family or personal circumstances, but is intended as protection for myself and my own family/household members against potential allegations made about our treatment of the children in my childcare setting. Carers will also be asked to sign any entry made in my accident book in the event of their child sustaining injury whilst in my care, as a record that I have made them fully aware of the incident and any resulting injury. Useful telephone numbers:- Childcare Services (Access and Referral Team): Duty Social Worker: Police (Pennines): The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage states that:- â€Å"Registered providers must inform OFSTED of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working, or looking after children at the premises (whether that allegation relates to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere), or any other abuse which is alleged to have taken place on the premises, and of the action taken in respect of these allegations. Registered providers must inform OFSTED of these allegations as  soon as is reasonably practicable, but at the latest within 14 days of the allegations being made. A registered provider who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with this requirement, commits an offence.† Should any allegations be made against any member of my household I will report this to OFSTED as a matter or urgency within the prescribed 14 days.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Recreational Marijuana Should NOT Be Legal Essay -- Anti Marijuana Ess

The first law that regarded marijuana in America required farmers to grow hemp in the year 1619 for clothing, rope, and other materials, but â€Å"as early as 1840, doctors recognized the medical applications of marijuana, and the drug was freely sold in pharmacies for over a century.† (Rich and Stingl). In 1937, the use and possession of marijuana was made illegal, but â€Å"before 1937 marijuana was freely bought, sold, grown, and used.†(Rich and Stingl). In 1970 the congress decided to classify marijuana as a schedule one drug, which has made the legalization more difficult, â€Å"schedule one drugs are considered dangerous, addictive, and have no medical benefits.†(Rich and Stingl). Marijuana fits the schedule one drug classification because marijuana is dangerous to people’s health, has been found to be addictive if used daily, and also has no medical benefits because marijuana can cause more health problems than it can cure. Recreational marijuana should not be legalized because of the many negative health effects it has on a person. Marijuana has a big effect on the lungs and when marijuana is smoked it can cause harm to the lungs. The smoke from marijuana has cancer causing substances in it. â€Å"Smoking marijuana can cause large air sacs, called bullae, to form. Bullae normally form in young marijuana smokers (less than 45 years old.)† (Drake and Slatore). Marijuana smoke has the same harmful chemicals that tobacco products contain, and marijuana smokers develop lung damage because of this. The fact that marijuana smokers hold the smoke in their lungs longer than tobacco smokers and there is no filters in bongs, bowls, blunts, or joints, there is no safe way to smoke marijuana. Blunts are the wrapping of a cigar filled with marijuana, a... Health Effects?† WebMD, Web MD Health New, n.d. Web 2 Feb 2014. Drake, Matthew G., and Christopher G. Slatore. â€Å"Smoking Marijuana and the Lungs.† American Thoracic Society: Patient Information Series. 187. (2013) n. page.Print. â€Å"Marijuana Abuse.† National Institute on Drug Abuse: The Science of Drug abuse and Addiction. NIH, n.d. Web. 4 Feb 2014. Rich, Alex K. Stingl, Alexander. â€Å"Legalization of Marijuana: An Overview.† Points of View: Legalization of Marijuana (2013):1. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 4 Feb. 2014 United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drugs and Human Performance Fact Sheets. Washington, DC: Washington State Wright, George Newton, Heather. â€Å"Counterpoint: There Are No Good Reasons to Legalize Marijuana.† Points of View: Legalization of Marijuana (2013): 2 Points of View Reference Center. Web. 4 Feb 2014

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Globalization of multinational activities: meaning and debate Essay

There are many definition of the globalization. For example, the International Monetary fund consider globalization of multinational activities as â€Å"the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services, free international capital flows, and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology†. (Dowling 2005) There is one more definition given by the International forum on Globalization. According to it globalization is â€Å"the present worldwide drive toward a globalized economic system dominated by supranational corporate trade and banking institutions that are not accountable to democratic processes or national governments†. (Wright 2001) But first of all globalization promotes cultural diversity and division of labor. Immanuel Wallerstein stresses that globalization of business can’t be understood separately from historical events. Lots of definition ensue the debates concerning roles of governments, companies and individuals in increasing national welfare in the context of globalization. Globalization of multinational activities has not only economic aspect but also political, cultural and technological, because they are closely connected with each other. It means that changes in one aspect are followed by changes in others. These aspects of globalization are considered key points to people’s quality of life and social benefits. (Debrah 2004) The economic aspect of impact involves trade, migration and investment opportunities. Globalization of international trade suggests more available access to goods and services which were never seen before. Due to this process people are able nowadays to buy a wide range of services and goods. International investments take place through foreign direct investments. It means that multinational organizations invest directly the assets in foreign companies or investments take place by purchasing and selling the financial assets of other foreign companies. Due to globalization independent migration suggests that individuals can find employment in spheres where the companies have labor shortages. But free migration is criticized, because it can lead to destruction of native industry and loss of jobs. International investments are also criticized, because if to accept such financial scheme the country can loose economic sovereignty and â€Å"may be forced to set policies that are contrary to its citizen’s interests or desires†. What is more important is that international companies investing in country or company can receive too much economic and political power. It is admitted by critics that migration is like exploitation of workers from other countries. (Baolian 2004) The political impact of globalization is creation of international rules and institution to deal with trade, human rights and international environment. New global institutions for regulating multinational activities are World Trade Organization, Euro currency and North American Free Trade Agreement, etc. central question is if government can control the economic activity of world companies. Globalization is also characterized by cultural global ties i. e. new ideas and concepts about trade and media throughout the world. However global cultural ties are not always favorable as they may cause constrains for companies. One more point about globalization of business is the significant change of technologies, transport and communication. Nowadays transportation costs have been reduced significantly because of technological advances which make foreign markets freer for trade. It was counted that billions of dollars in different kinds of assets and/or currencies are exchanged every day with the help of electronic means. It is seen that globalization spreads the developing and appearing of new multinational activities es. (Baolian 2004) Globalization: impact on multinational activities Globalization is sometimes described as the main cause of disturbances and changes in the world. Actually the term â€Å"globalization† is the shelter for collective effect and the changes. Globalization is the total changes taken place in the factories or storefronts which are seen in the spheres of economy, multinational activities and lifestyles. It is a matter of fact that this process was caused by four significant forms of capital flows throughout the global economy and multinational activities’ spheres. It is necessary to mention these four important capital flows: 1. Human capital involving the processes of immigration, emigration, migration and/deportation. 2. Financial capital including debts, equity, aids, credits, lending. 3. Resource capital means resources of energy, lumber, different minerals resources and metals. 4. Power capital suggests security forces, armed forces and different alliances and unions among countries (Wright 2001) It was mentioned that most difficulties and stresses confronted in the general affairs of multinational activities and interactions between them can be revealed in the four mentioned capital flows. It means that globalization has great influence on these flows and is able to direct them. Globalization also affects telecommunication and travel modes and they have become cheaper. As the result they have become accessible to more people, domestic and international companies. As for cultural and political friction they â€Å"can thus be explained as arising from the difference in opinion between two or more parties about the origination, treatment, timing, ownership or value of one or more of the capital flows†. (Wright 2001) The impact of globalization is constant and inevitable. And the process of globalization was inevitable. And there appears a question: why? The main reasons of such globalization influence in the word are: advantages of low labor costs need of vertical and horizontal division of labor, great number of untapped markets, and legislation in foreign countries. It is seen that the mentioned points provide international companies with lots of profitable opportunities. It is a common knowledge that globalization of multinational activities is first of all significant expansion of regional and international markets, international laws, cultures and values. It is possible to say that globalization describes the expansion of politics from narrower area (local, regional, national) to broader horizon of international area and thus the whole planet. It is obvious that the impact of globalization is really great and considerable. Due to the globalization processes occurring in the world international and domestic markets become now standardized, mostly because they are interacting, influencing and in such a way combining with ex-rivals from different parts of the world. (Sparrow 2004) Globalization is positive, because there is an increasing competitiveness of multinational activities. Nowadays the national markets are too saturated and companies need new flied of action on a larger scale. The next fact is that globalization of business aims at gaining economies of large scale. It means that investments, administration, production of goods and services, marketing and advertising will be equally distributed among many countries. As the result the expansion costs will be significantly reduced. The last point witness for globalization is that nowadays consumers have globalized preferences and product markets have to correspond. It means that international markets have to be also global. (Sparrow 2004) Globalization of multinational activities and economy was enabled by the series of factors. Highly developed technology gives the possibility for computing power to reduce the costs of transactions and information gathering. This push is intensified by the Internet, because it is global and rather cheap. Modern communications provide the access to available information in the whole world. The importance of communication and Internet has significantly increased, because they are useful for people’s communication. It is a matter of fact that the barriers to international trade and business are falling and becoming more standardized. The important forces were GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) and WTO (World Trade Organization). Due to globalization many countries deliberately reduced their trade barriers, removed barriers to direct foreign investments, and liberalized trade control. Governments of many countries believe that such measures will promote and assist national welfare, economic growth and developing of multinational activities. It is necessary to notice international finances and rapid capital flows. Nowadays technology developments assist banks and other financial establishments in funding foreign expansion, setting new affiliated offices and providing investment opportunities in the whole world. (Dowling 2004) The possibilities of the globalization are: 1. To set economies of large scale, because Internet and communications are global by nature and they are cheaper than other media. 2. Multinational activities are more credible and people believe if it is successful in many countries, its quality is good as well. 3. It is easier and quicker to introduce new production line with global international brand. The main strategies of international globalization are to consolidate comparative advantage, to develop honest competency, to develop global way of thinking, to globalize competency of international companies and to integrate countries. But it is known that the demand of globalization is to think globally, but to act locally. It is a matter of fact that international organizations used to deal with restricted markets and it is hard for them to deal with new global perspectives. New global economy tries to get rid of static organization and to change them by new organization more suited for new globalized economy and new globalized world. (Sparrow 2004) â€Å"Over the course of the past decade, in many countries (especially in the developed world), savers have increasingly diversified their portfolios to include foreign financial assets (foreign bonds, equities, loans), while borrowers increasingly turn to foreign sources of funds, along with domestic ones. While flows of this kind to developing countries also rose sharply in the 1990s, they have been much more volatile than either trade or FDI flows, and have also been restricted to a narrower range of ’emerging market’ countries. † (Sparrow 2004) It is a matter of fact that the number of international transactions dramatically increased during last decades. Economies of many countries became internationalized as their GNP increased due to international exchange of goods and services. It was mentioned that â€Å"increasing economic integration among nations, some scholars argue, has dramatically reduced the barriers between national economies, undermining the autonomy of national governments†. (Dowling 2004) The positive and negative sides of globalization Globalisation has caused many problems for business executives and the government. However, many people support this process. The supporters of globalisation state that globalisation is inevitable and can’t be stopped anyhow. They even argue that globalization can make the world rich. Speaking about four factors of production (labour, land, entrepreneur and capital) we can’t but mention that in the process of globalisation two or three factors must cross the borders. If a company invests in another country, it will receive dividends from that country. There is a flow of these factors of production through multinational corporations. Modern companies try to respond to the emerging open market opportunities, and for the aim of winning better market share and higher profits, have to pay their attention to the globalization and the need for creating large multinational corporations. A bright example of such changes may be represented by the German Hoechst chemical company, which at the beginning of the year 2000, admitting the rapidly changing positions on the chemical market and understanding the new accents on the global cooperation and production, decided to take this step and create a new structure. Through the 2001 and 2002 it has sold twelve of its businesses in Germany for being no more profitable, and has bought four new pharmaceutical firms outside Europe. Hoechst in Europe was the pioneer of such drastic changes in the multinational management trends. Though the Hoechst’s labor force in Germany was decreased almost twice, it became possible to increase the sales over the US continent from 6 to 33 percent of the market share by the end of 2002. These actions could be viewed as an example of new innovative approach to the company’s management. On the other hand, and as Mockler (2002) puts it, ‘such actions were contributing to unrest and uncertainty in Europe’. (p. 12) The topic of multinational management should be discussed though the real life examples and it would be appropriate to note a company which was able to master the issues of multinational management. The talk will be about GE, a company which is now one of the most advanced and highly innovative corporations in relation to management approaches and structures. Its ex-CEO Jack Welch is known all over the world for having put the quality of the company management, and thus the quality of its operations to another, much higher level. Understanding the huge perspective of the global company through the period of Welch’s being GE’s CEO he has implemented one of the most prominent and successful management systems in the world. His main idea was to work though the principle of ‘creative destruction’, which was later used by other multinational companies. (Rugman & Verbeke 2003, p. 29) ‘The objective of the GE’s management strategy was to stretch the potential of the firm, even though this firm was very large. To fulfill these tasks it was necessary to apply the abilities of defining strategic guidelines which channel and stimulate innovative and entrepreneurial actions without inhibiting often unstructured individual initiative’. (Mockler 2002, p. 15) GE has become the multinational company with the ability to adapt to the changes and to implement the latest innovations into its operations. Welch understood the necessity of these innovations, and meeting these challenges, the company turned them into its assets. GE is one of the brightest examples of the multinational companies, which were able to adapt to the rapidly changing technologies and management theories. As the core problem of the multinational corporations is to work through different cultures and traditions, which is almost impossible at times, the role of management must not be underestimated in relation to such global structures. Management provides such company with clear structure, understanding of problems and challenges and gives the clear picture of its market position. GE made it possible for each worker to understand his role in contributing into the general process of management. Namely management has made this company one of the most successful in the recent years. The opponents of globalization argue that globalisation does not bring back more returns as the returns that go out. They argue that for example, a company likes British Telkom, which went abroad because of internal problems with its multinational business. However, these examples can’t spoil positive judgment about globalization. We have many examples of companies that were on the virtue of collapsing but now they are performing very well after going international. Why do others think that globalisation is not useful? In this article â€Å"Will globalisation make you happy† Wright R. (2000) argued that globalisation makes human beings happy but unfortunately they are pursuing things such as power and money which does not bring everlasting happiness. He asks the question, â€Å"does money bring happiness? †. Wright writes that survey carried out in many countries, both rich and poor and confirms that poor relationships are the source of unhappiness and there is no happiness in richness. In the same survey, it was found that a nation is fairly comfortable with a standard of living that is lower than what the average human being thinks. Changing of Employee relations Also a lot of needs appear concerning the changing of employee behaviour in order to provide effective employee relations. There a lot of important work to be implemented by managers and employees itself. (Harris et al) Most people work and live in familiar environment, in the surroundings we were brought up or places similar to this. Accordingly, people that we meet, work with and entertain, are similar to us, due to the fact that they have the same ethnic context, similar viewpoints and religion, the same framework of values, and the same language, that we speak. (Harris et al) Effective changes of behavior starts with detailed interpreting the terms under which the individual is involved into behavior that needs to be changed. It is necessary to understand his motivation in these or that circumstances. Understanding these aspects will make the process of motivating the person easier and predictable. For instance, many supervising managers suppose that speaking foreign languages during working process is the evidence of employee’s laziness, disrespect and desire to detract from the work. But in fact many employees use another language while attempting to perform some information related to their work more accurately. Sometimes it may be the evidence of stress or tiredness, or just an attempt to make the process of communication faster. (Harris et al) One important aspect of making successful cross-cultural interrelations is to be considered. Building up mutual understanding and successful communication demands self-assessment. Each employee should clearly understand and evaluate the styles he or she uses in various situations, and to what degree. (Harris et al) Ability to appreciate other people is significant for successful cross-cultural communication and cooperation. Each person should be aware that it is important to find time to pay attention to other people, to understand and evaluate their style and behavior. For instance, within a definite firm, manager staff members may represent a wide range or personal styles: â€Å"with regard to completing reports, one team leader may require pages of details, and the other leader wants only bullet points of information†. (Harris et al, p. 89) As regards to such peculiarities, cultural and language differences do not matter. Professional manager should realize that the problems of cross-cultural relations affect many spheres of business and economy, for instance, marketing, both domestic and international. It is necessary to take into consideration that, for instance, USA culture consists not only of native culture. Foreign culture of the state is made up not only by foreign citizens. American citizens now may have foreign origin, for instance, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian or Russian. That is why understanding foreign cultures is important for the workers in any sphere, even if they deal with domestic consumers and companies. For those who have business relations with foreign customers of companies such skill is compulsory. The process of globalization and changing conditions of the world market made all spheres of business and finance a cross-cultural phenomenon, which demands that managers on all levels must be aware of cultural differences and means of establishing successful relations to succeed in the market. (Harris et al)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Morality and Utilitarianism Essay

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that holds that an action is right if it produces, or if it tends to produce, the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people affected by the action. Otherwise the action is wrong. This cost-benefit analysis is a form of utility calculation. People in business theory use utility curves to plot the results of various actions, choosing those that maximize whatever it is that they wish to achieve. This utility approach is not foreign to most people. It is widely used in many forms of general decision making and can be applied to moral issues as well as to strictly business issues. A defense of utilitarianism as an ethical theory is that it describes what rational people actually do in making moral decisions. It explicitly formulates for them the procedures they intuitively and spontaneously use in moral reasoning. The theory renders explicit what is implicit in the ordinary moral reasoning and argumentation that we ourselves use Utilitarianism adopts a teleological approach to ethics and claims that actions are to be judged by their consequences. According to this view, actions are not good or bad in themselves. Actions take on moral value only when considered in conjunction with the effects that follow upon them. ACT AND RULE UTILITARIANISM Act utilitarianism holds that each individual action, in all its concreteness and in all its detail, is what should be subjected to the utilitarian test. Rule utilitarians hold that utility applies appropriately to classes of actions rather than to given individual actions. Thus, by looking at the general consequences of breaking contracts in the past, we can determine that breaking contracts is immoral. OBJECTIONS TO UTILITARIANISM One objection claims that utilitarianism is ungodly because it proposes utility, rather than the Bible or God, as a basis for moral judgments. A second objection frequently brought against utilitarianism is that no one has the time to calculate all the consequences of an action beforehand. A third objection to utilitarianism is that we cannot know the full results of any action, nor can we accurately weigh the different kinds of good and evil that result. The calculation is artificial and not practical. APPLYING UTILITARIANISM 1. Accurately state the action to be evaluated. 2. Identify all those who are directly and indirectly affected by the action. 3. Consider whether there is some dominant, obvious consideration that carries such importance as to outweigh other considerations. 4. Specify all the pertinent good and bad consequences of the action for those directly affected, as far into the future as appears appropriate, and imaginatively consider various possible outcomes and the likelihood of their occurring. 5. Weigh the total good results against the total bad results, considering quantity, duration, propinquity or remoteness, fecundity, and purity for each value (kind of good and kind of bad), and the relative importance of these values. 6. Carry out a similar analysis, if necessary, for those indirectly affected, as well as for society as a whole. 7. Sum up all the good and bad consequences. If the action produces more good than bad, the action is morally right; if it produces more bad than good, it is morally wrong. 8. Consider, imaginatively, whether there are various alternatives other than simply doing or not doing the action, and carry out a similar analysis for each of the other alternative actions. 9. Compare the results of the various actions. The action that produces the most good (or the least bad, if none produces more good than bad) among those available is the morally proper action to perform UTILITARIANISM AND BRIBERY Bribery in business is an interesting kind of action to examine from a utilitarian point of view, because those who engage in bribery frequently justify their actions based on something similar to utilitarian grounds. Utilitarianism, far from being a self-serving approach to moral issues, demands careful, objective, and impartial evaluation of consequences. It is a widely used—but often misused—approach to moral evaluation. A powerful tool of moral reasoning, it is a technique well worth mastering. CASE SUMMARIES An Airplane Manufacturing Case An airplane manufacturer has spent a great deal of money developing a new airplane. The company badly needs cash because it is financially overextended. If it does not get some large orders soon, it will have to close down part of its operation. Doing that will put several thousand workers out of jobs. The president of the company bribes a foreign minister to insure the purchase of the planes, arguing that the good done overall justifies the use of bribery.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Scandinavian Connection

The Scandinavian Connection The Scandinavian Connection The Scandinavian Connection By Sharon A chance remark by a Swedish friend about English loan words in Swedish set me on the trail of borrowings of Swedish origin that have entered the English language. There are a few common ones: angstrom a unit of length named after a Swedish scientist flounder a type of flat fish gauntletis believed to originate from gatlopp. The expression run the gauntlet refers to a military punishment where someone would run between two rows of soldiers who would strike at hime gravlax smoked salmon lingonberry from lingon orienteering the sport that combines navigation with racing originates from Sweden smorgasbord a buffet with certain types of food; has a more general meaning in English tungsten chemical element; the name means heavy stone. There are also several words of Norwegian origin in English, including: aquavit a very alcoholic drink; the name derives from the Latin for water of life fjord a geographical formation floe an ice formation lemming a type of rodent quisling a traitor, named after Vidkun Quisling ski the equipment used for skiing slalom a downhill skiing technique featuring twists and turns Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)Peace of Mind and A Piece of One's Mind9 Forms of the Past Tense

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

50 Million Years of Horse Evolution

50 Million Years of Horse Evolution Apart from a couple of bothersome side branches, horse evolution presents a neat, orderly picture of natural selection in action. The basic storyline goes like this: as the woodlands of North America gave way to grassy plains, the tiny proto-horses of the Eocene epoch (about 50 million years ago) gradually evolved single, large toes on their feet, more sophisticated teeth, larger sizes, and the ability to run at a clip, culminating in the modern horse genus Equus. There are a number of prehistoric horses, including 10 essential prehistoric horses to know. As part of the evolution of horses, you should also know the recently extinct horse breeds. This story has the virtue of being essentially true, with a couple of important ands and buts. But before we embark on this journey, its important to dial back a bit and place horses in their proper position on the evolutionary tree of life. Technically, horses are perissodactyls, that is, ungulates (hoofed mammals) with odd numbers of toes. The other main branch of hoofed mammals, the even-toed artiodactyls, are represented today by pigs, deer, sheep, goats, and cattle, whereas the only other significant perissodactyls beside horses are tapirs and rhinoceroses. What this means is that perissodactyls and artiodactyls (which counted among the mammalian megafauna of prehistoric times) both evolved from a common ancestor, which lived only a few million years after the demise of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago. In fact, the earliest perissodactyls (like Eohippus, the earliest identified common ancestor of all horses) looked more like small deer than majestic equines! Hyracotherium and Mesohippus, the Earliest Horses Until an even earlier candidate is found, paleontologists agree that the ultimate ancestor of all modern horses was Eohippus, the dawn horse, a tiny (no more than 50 pounds), deer-like herbivore with four toes on its front feet and three toes on its back feet. The giveaway to Eohippus status  was its posture: this perissodactyl put most of its weight on a single toe of each foot, anticipating later equine developments. Eohippus was closely related to another early ungulate, Palaeotherium, which occupied a distant side branch of the horse evolutionary tree. Five to ten million years after Eohippus/Hyracotherium came Orohippus (mountain horse), Mesohippus (middle horse), and Miohippus (Miocene horse, even though it went extinct long before the Miocene epoch). These perissodactyls were about the size of large dogs and sported slightly longer limbs with enhanced middle toes on each foot. They probably spent most of their time in dense woodlands, but may have ventured out onto the grassy plains for short jaunts. Epihippus, Parahippus, and Merychippus- Moving Toward True Horses During the Miocene epoch, North America saw the evolution of intermediate horses, bigger than Eohippus and its ilk but smaller than the equines that followed. One of the most important of these was Epihippus (marginal horse), which was slightly heavier (possibly weighing a few hundred pounds) and equipped with more robust grinding teeth than its ancestors. As you might have guessed, Epihippus also continued the trend toward enlarged middle toes, and it seems to have been the first prehistoric horse to spend more time feeding in meadows than in forests. Following Epihippus were two more hippi, Parahippus and Merychippus. Parahippus (almost horse) can be considered a next-model Miohippus, slightly bigger than its ancestor and (like Epihippus) sporting long legs, robust teeth, and enlarged middle toes. Merychippus (ruminant horse) was the largest of all these intermediate equines, about the size of a modern horse (1,000 pounds) and blessed with an especially fast gait. At this point, its worth asking the question: what drove the evolution of horses in the fleet, single-toed, long-legged direction? During the Miocene epoch, waves of tasty grass covered the North American plains, a rich source of food for any animal well-adapted enough to graze at leisure and run quickly from predators if necessary. Basically, prehistoric horses evolved to fill this evolutionary niche. Hipparion and Hippidion, the Next Steps Toward Equus Following the success of intermediate horses like Parahippus and Merychippus, the stage was set for the emergence of bigger, more robust, more horsey horses. Chief among these were the similarly named Hipparion (like a horse) and Hippidion (like a pony). Hipparion was the most successful horse of its day, radiating out from its North American habitat (by way of the Siberian land bridge) to Africa and Eurasia. Hipparion was about the size of a modern horse; only a trained eye would have noticed the two vestigial toes surrounding its single hooves. Lesser known than Hipparion, but perhaps more interesting, was Hippidion, one of the few prehistoric horses to have colonized South America (where it persisted until historical times). The donkey-sized Hippidion was distinguished by its prominent nasal bones, a clue that it had a highly developed sense of smell. Hippidion may well turn out to have been a species of Equus, making it more closely related to modern horses than Hipparion was. Speaking of Equus, this genus- which includes modern horses, zebras, and donkeys- evolved in North America during the Pliocene epoch, about four million years ago, and then, like Hipparion, migrated across the land bridge to Eurasia. The last Ice Age saw the extinction of both North and South American horses, which disappeared from both continents by about 10,000 BCE. Ironically, though, Equus continued to flourish on the plains of Eurasia and was reintroduced to the Americas by the European colonizing expeditions of the 15th and 16th centuries CE.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Differences Between Institutionalism and Rational Choice Theory Essay

Differences Between Institutionalism and Rational Choice Theory - Essay Example The American political scientists James March and Mancur Olsen initiated 'The New institutionalism' in 1984 in reaction to behaviorism and the mounting power of rational choice theory which emphasizes on the manner in which institutions represent principles and relationships of authority (Hall and Taylor 1996; Lowndes 1996; Lowndes, 2001). New Institutionalism defines institutions themselves as an essential variable in political outcomes (March and Olsen 1984) and focuses on the comparative independence of political institutions. Institutions do not symbolize society or individual strategies, unlike the rational choice theory. Institutionalism merely offers sense to communications and supplies the background, within which these communications take place. The rational choice theory asserts that institutions are simply bestowed with powers by individuals themselves. The rational choice theory is essential in comprehending by first understanding the personal interactions. The rational choice theory involves a reasonable preference which is not the case in institutionalism. Normative or sociological institutionalism implies the codes of suitable conduct that permeate the individuals in the organizations. Community officials operate on the basis of their opinion of what they envision is the correct code of behavior and they tend to oppose alterations which are deviated from their traditional views of 'appropriate behavior' particularly when this is associated to the implementation of a precise location or organization.Individuals or actors within the organizations are tied by universal morals, which explicates not only their tendency to aggravate amends but also the capability for institutions to replicate themselves. Normative institutionalism consequently structures the institutions with regard to the belief systems of individuals or actors who are deemed as associates of an occupation, organization, position, instead of efficacy augmenting individuals.Its fundamental supposition is that individuals within organizations are conventional, apprehensive of transformations and unyielding in the protection of their wellbeing. In the Institutional approach, the tradition is recognized as the chief self-governing variable (Rose, Collier 1991). Rose (1991) debates powerfully that policy selections are restricted by historical choices. Present administration can not, therefore, disregard precedent assurances. In a parallel debate, Weaver states the 'automatic government' and fears the ability of governments to execute amends.According to the concept of path dependency in historical institutionalism, preliminary judgments are decisive since they bind in potential verdicts.Rational Choice theory endeavors to bind the methodological individualism and institutional design (Ostrom) by emphasizing on procedural individuality, rather than communal.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Critical thinking - Essay Example Another definition of critical thinking is that given by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul, in a presentation at the 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, Summer of 1987.They defined critical thinking as the intellectually disciplined way of active and skillful conceptualization, application, analysis and evaluation of data collected by observing, experiencing, reflecting, reasoning, and communicating, as a guidance to believing and acting. Paul and Elder (2008), defines the term as Critical thinking as the way of thinking - about something, where the person who is thinking develops the quality of his or her thinking by being skillful when taking care of the structures involved in thinking and forcing intellectual standards on them. In my understanding, for this reason, critical thinking means, thinking outside the box, having creative thoughts, and internalizing the thoughts. Critical thinking involves general intellectual values. Critical thinking includes several skills. These skills include rationality, self-awareness, honesty, open-mindedness, discipline, and judgment. Rationality is based on the fact one is thinking critically when he or she relies on reason and not emotions; when one requires prove, not ignoring evidence, and follow where the evidence leads. Also being rational in critical thinking is concerned more with coming up with the rightful way of explaining other than being right through analysis of apparent confusion and asking questions. Self-awareness in critical thinking involves comparing the effects of motives and bias, recognition of one’s assumptions, biases and point of view. Being honest in thinking critically, is evident when one recognizes emotional impulses, selfish motives, nefarious purposes, or other ways of deceiving ones-self. One is thinking critically, with an open mind when all reasonable inferences are evaluated, considerations of various viewpoints or

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hinduism - Essay Example Vedas are meant to guide all the Hindus. The religion has really expanded its wings worldwide since its initiation. It is believed that consecration to the religion even interfered with the British stranglehold. This essay explains some of the facts and issues concerning Hinduism ritual. Hinduism is believed to have started in the Indus valley and a larger percentage of followers are found in India. Most of the facts and important issues about Hinduism are preserved in the Vedas. The Aryans took with them the Persian and the Western concepts to the Hindu culture. Hindu’s divinity were said to be normal supremacies of heaven and earth and they revered their gods via conducting animal sacrifices (Matthews 72-74). The Aryans’ gods were shining objects which portrayed nice things for human beings. Hindus believe that Asuras are evil powers that signify hurtful things to humans. Intermingling of Aryans and the natives (Dravidians) led to sharing of rites and customs with the natives. However, most of the Hindus rituals are majorly formed by the Aryans’ culture and practices. The Aryan practices dominated the Davidians for reasons not known. Some scholars blame the Aryans dominant culture on stratification while others think that the Aryans were just superior to the natives (Rinehart 123-127). There are four collections of the Vedas and the popular Veda is known as the Ring Veda. Other Vedas include the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda, and the Artharva Veda. These Vedas have many different roles in the religion. For instance, some Vedas contain prayers and other information regarding devotion while others have people’s daily worries such as lust (Matthews 75-80). The Vedas are regarded as the basis and the roots for Hinduism since they contain variety of clarifications concerning the religion. The Hindus’ leaders are called Brahmins who execute rites under their powers. Brahmins have the responsibility of inspiring devotees and influence other people worldwide to favor their religion (Rinehart 123-127). Hindus have several gods that include the Agni that ascend from Purusha and the Indra deity, the Soma which is regarded as very important god and finally the Varina who is considered as the preserver of truth. There are some groups that branched from the original Hinduism such as Upanishads. Contemporarily, Hinduism has established four main goals which they regard as important in pursuing the peak of release in their lifespan. Hindus regard Dharma as the right way of living and studying to achieve lasting happiness while Karma is considered as the law of cause and effect (Matthews 75-80). Bhagavad Gita came up with distinct tracks for Hindu devotees to walk through. Bhagavad Gita was followed by the Puranas and the Tantaras which have engrained detailed information regarding the divinities and service to the deities. Hinduism is a very unique religion which greatly honors the Vedas as well as traditional customs and practices unlike the Western religions that believe in the progress of events since their initiation. Hinduis believe that there are cycles of events that take place in their religion and that whatever is exact for the universe also applies to mankind (Fuller 62-65). The most interesting things about Hinduism are their rituals and symbols. Just like any other religion from across the world, rites and rituals are very important aspects of the religion. These rites and rituals play vital role in identification of the religion in question. To Hindus, most of these customs are compulsory but very flexible since devotees in different regions follow different customs. These rituals further ensure that the devotees do not go off the spiritual life

Sunday, October 27, 2019

BioMedical Waste Management in an Indian Hospital

BioMedical Waste Management in an Indian Hospital Introduction: The waste produced in the course of healthcare activities carries a higher potential for infection and injury than any other type of waste. Inadequate and inappropriate knowledge of handling of healthcare waste may have serious health consequences and a significant impact on the environment as well. According to Bio-Medical Waste (management and handling) rules, 1998 of India, Bio Medical Waste (BMW) means any solid, fluid, or liquid waste including its containers and any intermediate product which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities pertaining there or in the production or testing of biological and includes categories for same 1 The large volumes of health care waste if not managed properly can lead to a global hazard. This could not only lead to the spread of highly contagious diseases but the hazardous chemical waste produced by the use of items can cause considerable damage to the ecosystem and the environment.2 Majority of waste (75-90%) produced by the healthcare providers is non-risk or general and it is estimated that the remaining (10-25%) healthcare waste is regarded as hazardous the potential for creating a variety of health problems.3 Infectious waste may contain any of a great variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Pathogens in infectious waste may enter the human body via number of routes: through a puncture, abrasion, or cut in the skin; through the mucous membranes; by inhalation; by ingestion .4 Bio medical waste collection and proper disposal has become a significant concern for both the medical and general community. Among all health problems, there is a particular concern with HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, for which there is a strong evidence of transmission through healthcare waste.5In the healthcare sector alone, the World Health Organization estimates that unsafe injections cause approximately 30,000 new HIV infections, 8 million HBV infections, and 1.2 million HCV infections worldwide every year.6The BMW rule applies to all those who generate, collect, receive, store, transport, treat, dispose or handle BMW in any manner and also to every institution that generate BMW. Effective management of biomedical waste is not only a legal necessity but also a social responsibility. Hence, there is a need for resource material to help administrators, doctors, nurses and paramedical staffs. The purpose of Bio-Medical Waste are mainly to reduce waste generation, to ensure its efficient collection, handling, as well as safe disposal in such a way that it controls infection and improves safety for employees working in the system. For this, a conscious, coordinated and cooperative effort has to be made from all Hospital staff7. India already has biomedical waste management regulations including a ban on the incineration of biomedical waste with the exception of human and animal waste at the Union level, but their implementation and enforcement throughout the country has been inconsistent. The present cross sectional questionnaire study was conducted in Ahmedabad city, Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of interns, graduates post graduates at private dental colleges in Ahmedabad regarding biomedical waste management. Material and Method Ahmedabad is the largest city and former capital of the Gujarat. Ahmedabad is located on the banks of river Sabarmati, 32 km from the state capital Gandhinagar.7 The study sample includes intern, graduates and post graduates from private dental college in Ahmedabad. This study was conducted in private dental colleges in Ahmedabad City, Gujarat, India. A total of 135 dentists were selected, from which interns, graduates and postgraduates were divided equally. The selection of samples for the study was carried out by using simple random sampling technique. To make the sample more representative 45 Dentists from each private dental college were selected randomly. The sample size of 135 was determined. From each group from each college we have taken 15 subjects. Participants who do not want to participate in the study, not responding after repeated reminders and incompletely filled questionnaires were excluded from the study. The survey was scheduled to spread over a period of 1 month. A detailed weekly schedule was prepared well in advance. Although a detailed schedule was prepared meticulously, few adjustments and changes were done due to logistic reasons. Two days in a week were allotted for conducting the study. A questionnaire related to biomedical waste in the form of multiple choices was given to each participant and the response sheets were collated after a week. Principal Investigator collected the data. A pilot study was conducted on 20% of the total sample size to check the feasibility of the study and to validate the questionnaire. Prior to study a questionnaire was pre-tested and validated. The questionnaire was validated for construct and content validity, reliability and ease of use. Content and construct validity shows no significant changes. Questionnaire showed high degree (0.89) of agreement during test-retest of questionnaire. Those individuals who participated in the pilot study were not considered for the main study to prevent possible bias. The purpose and procedure of the study was informed to each participant and also participant information sheet was provided to each participant, which explains all aspects of the study. It was explained to them that they had no obligation to complete the questionnaire and could abandon it at any point without stating a reason. After explaining the purpose of the study, the informed consent was obtained from each participant who was willing to participate in the study. Data was collected by using pre-tested self-designed questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed in English only because it was expected that all doctors and nurses were able to comprehend English. The questions were framed in three sets; knowledge, attitude and practices of interns, graduates and postgraduates in relation to Bio-medical waste management. Each participant was given a separate copy of the questionnaire personally by investigator and requested to fill it up within seven days. Collected data was coded, compiled and tabulated. The data was analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Analysis was carried out using SPSS package version 17. Result: The present study was conducted to access â€Å"knowledge, attitude and practices of interns, graduates p.g. Students at private dental colleges in Ahmedabad regarding biomedical waste management. A total of 135 participants from private dental colleges of Ahmedabad city were included in the study population. Table 1. illustrates the distribution of subjects according to their gender. Out of 135 participants 79 (58.5%) were male and 56 (41.5%) were female. We can see the answers given by the participants in table 2 which is self explanatory. Table 3. illustrates that the majority of the participants were having good knowledge regarding bio medical waste management. Whereas their attitude towards the same was found little low which is an alarming situation (table 4) and they were doing fair practice of the same which is shown in (table 5). Table 1: The distribution of subjects according to their gender Table 2: Answers given by participants Table 3: shows overall knowledge of subjects: Table 4: shows overall attitude of subjects: Table 5: shows overall practice of subjects: Discussion: The participants involved in this study were assessed for knowledge, attitude and practice of BMW management. Interestingly, this study revealed that the awareness and proper practice of biomedical waste management was satisfactory which is correlating with the study of Sachan R.. According to World Health Organization, The humans element is more important than the technology. Almost any system of treatment and disposal that is operated by well-trained, and well-motivated staff can provide more protection for staff, patients and the community than an expensive or sophisticated system that is managed by staff who do not understand the risks, and the importance of their contribution8 (World Health Organization) For effective management of hospital waste it is essential that personnel hold positive attitude towards care of the environment, occupational health and safety and teamwork. Hospital waste management has major attitudinal and behavioral components9 Literature search show poor knowledge, attitude and practices of biomedical waste management among staff and have reported that there is urgent need to train and educate all the staff, in order to adopt an effective waste management practice. Which is not exactly matching with our studies. A chain is as strong as the weakest link in it, thus the entire staff involved in waste management at some point or the other should be trained properly. Our study shows almost all of the participants were having good knowledge of bio medical waste, which is not in siding with the study of Sudhakar V10. Before providing the training program, it is mandatory to understand the existing gaps and deficiencies in the study participants knowledge, perceptions, and behavior towards hospital waste management. Knowledge, attitude and practices of the personnel play an important role. Lack of these, even with good infrastructure and technology, is of little or no use in proper waste management. Knowing this, the training program can be aimed to make participants understand-environment friendly, healthy and economically viable in-house management systems, to ensure that the waste is carried responsibly from cradle to grave. Conclusion: Optimal waste management is at best, a moving target. Usually attenders are responsible for spearheading the waste management initiatives. Waste handling is left to lower-level workers who operate without any training, guidance, and supervision. Managing waste requires effective management of people who produce the waste, not just those who handle it. Its primarily the dentists who are responsible for waste generation. But currently, as most of us are aware it is mainly the resistant attitude of dentists that is responsible for poor results on this front. Dentist at the high end of hierarchy should take this issue, which needs to be addressed not as a burden difficult to bear. Proper management of dental hospital waste should be addressed with dignity, by concerted action as duty, and by no uncertain terms as responding to pressure. They probably should not do it because there is legislation, but they need to do it, as they are also socially accountable. References: Sharma AK, Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules. Bhopal: Suvidha Law House; 1998. Aruna.C, Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and Practices regarding Biomedical Waste Management amongst the Medical and Paramedical Staff in Tertiary Health Care Centre, Int J Scientific Research, Vol. 2(7): 2012 Safe Management of waste from health care activities. WHO, Geneva; 1999. 4. Prà ¼ss A, Giroult E, Rushbrook P, Safe management of wastes from healthcare activities, Edited by  © 1999, WHO 5. Central Pollution Control Board. Environmental standard and guidelines for management of Hospital waste. CPCB, Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi, 1996. 6. Analysis of Priority Waste Streams: Healthcare Waste. Final Information Document Commission of the European Communities (CEC), 1993 7. Khan KDL (4 June 2011), â€Å"The Symbol of Ahmedabad†. Navhind Times, retrived 24 Sept, 2013. 8. World Health Organization. Suggested guiding principles and practices for sound management of hazardous hospital waste. New Delhi: Regional Office for South-East Asia, World Health Organization; 2000. p. 3-5. 9.Rasheed S, Iqbal S, Baig LA, Mufti K. Hospital waste management in the teaching hospitals of Karachi. J Pak Med Assoc 2005;55:192-5. 10. Saini S, Nagarajan SS, Sharma RK. Knowledge, Attitude and practices of bio-medical waste management amongst staff of a tertiary level Hospital in India. J Acad Hosp 2005;17:54-9