Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How One Fulfills A Dream - 1570 Words

How one fulfills a dream is a contested and unsettled concept. Is it based on luck, skill, chance, or something else entirely? Attributing a dream’s success to outside forces, such as luck and chance, creates unambitious tendencies. On the other hand, when a person has an internal locus of control, a belief that he or she can influence their success themselves, they take their life into their own hands and control their own destiny. In multiple studies, it has been shown that those with an internal locus of control, as opposed to an external one, have lived to be more intelligent, independent, and successful later in life. But even with these known statistics, many people continually choose to leave their dreams to chance. While this is†¦show more content†¦And so, by capitalizing â€Å"Watcher† and â€Å"Time†, Hurston argues that many people look to a higher power when attempting to accomplish a dream. In the beginning of the book, Hurston refrains fro m mentioning any characters, plot, or even a clue at the setting. Instead, she chooses to enlighten the reader on her view of dreams, an abstract concept that has no tangible outcome. In the opening paragraph, she compares a dream to a ship on a horizon, and states, â€Å"Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time† (1). Capitalizing â€Å"Watcher† and â€Å"Time† gives the two words emphasis and importance, just as one would capitalize a name and even God. Thus, Hurston creates this parallel to magnify both the â€Å"Watcher† and â€Å"Time† to show their over-arching power on a man’s dream. Yet, Hurston says that â€Å"the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation† while the dreams are â€Å"mocked to death† by time. Even though â€Å"resigning† and â€Å"mocking† are disheartening reactions from someone, they still do not inhibit one from continuing to chase their dreams. And so, Hurston claims that although people look to higher powers to seek their approval, one could still carry on towards reaching their dream. In addition, Hurston repeats the word â€Å"some† twice, referring to the twoShow MoreRelatedOrganizing and Drafting Your Definition Essay1037 Words   |  5 Pagesprovide details. FIRST PARAGRAPH: INTRODUCTION Introduce the concept of the American Dream. Explain why it’s important to define the concept and why it is difficult in some cases to define the concept. success isnt something you chase. Its something you have to put forth the effort for constantly. Then maybe itll come when you least expect.- Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan gave a speech about the American Dream in his definition. 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